What Treatments Can Help With Endometriosis Symptoms?


Are your menstrual cramps associated with severe abdominal pain that stops you from going about your everyday life? Is your bleeding heavy during your periods? You are probably experiencing endometriosis Jackson Heights, a painful condition that develops when your tissue lining grows outside your uterus. Tissue growing in the wrong places may result in uncomfortable symptoms, including painful periods and heavy bleeding. You can easily manage your endometriosis symptoms with medical treatment. The discussion below will describe four treatment options your doctor may recommend to help you manage endometriosis symptoms.

Pain Medications

Your doctor can recommend taking over-the-counter pain medications, including anti-inflammatories, ibuprofen, and Aleve, to relieve painful menstrual cramps. Pain medications aim to help control your endometriosis symptoms. Your doctor can recommend combining pain medications and hormonal therapies to provide maximum relief from endometriosis.

Hormone Therapy

Your doctor can prescribe supplemental hormones to reduce pain resulting from endometriosis effectively. During your menstrual cycle, hormone levels fluctuate and cause the thickening of your endometrial implants, which break down and bleed. Hormonal medications can help slow down tissue growth and prevent new endometrial implants. However, hormone therapy cannot permanently fix endometriosis. Hormone therapy that can help with endometriosis may include the following.

Hormonal Contraceptives

You can select hormonal suppression options, including birth control pills, vaginal rings, and patches. Hormonal contraceptives may combine estrogen and progesterone, which will then control hormones that cause a buildup of endometrial tissue every month. You will likely experience shorter and lighter menstrual flow under hormonal contraceptives. Using these hormonal options can help lower pain associated with endometriosis.

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Medications

Gn-RH medications stop the production of the hormone responsible for ovarian stimulation, lowering estrogen, and preventing menstruation. After taking these medications, your endometrial tissue will shrink, creating a sense of artificial menopause. Your menstrual periods and conceiving ability will resume once you stop taking your medications.

Progestin Therapy

Progestin therapies can include IUDs with levonorgestrel, Nexplanon implants, Depo-Provera injection, and progestin pill. Progestin therapy will stop menstrual periods and the growth of endometrial tissue implants.

Conservative Surgery

Your doctor may recommend removing your endometrial implants while preserving your ovaries and uterus so you can get pregnant. Surgery may also benefit you if you have severe pain from endometriosis, although pain and endometriosis may return. Your doctor will perform this surgery laparoscopically, which involves inserting a laparoscope through a tiny incision in your abdomen.


Your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy as the most effective approach for treating endometriosis. Once your doctor removes your ovaries, you will automatically go into menopause, and this lack of hormones may improve your endometriosis symptoms. However, endometriosis may remain after surgery and continue to cause symptoms. Hysterectomy can treat symptoms relating to endometriosis if you do not wish to be pregnant.

Endometriosis affects women during their childbearing years and may disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and fertility. The main endometriosis symptom is pain which you may feel in your abdomen, lower back, and pelvic region. However, not everyone with endometriosis will develop symptoms. If you experience symptoms, they may include very painful menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, heavy bleeding and spotting between periods, and infertility. Several treatment options can help relieve your symptoms and improve your daily living. Your doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the severity of your symptoms to help you manage endometriosis.