Most Important Role Of HR Manager Today

role of HR manager

Over the last decades, the role of human resources (HR) has vastly expanded. In an organisation, HR is the source of knowledge for people-related issues. Initially, HR was an administrative role. They handled the company paperwork and protocols, making sure everything went smoothly. Now the role of HR manager is much more demanding. With many roles to fulfil, it can be an overwhelming task for HR teams to focus on the critical factors that need their attention in the workspace. 

uKnowva HRMS provides companies with features to help with all the core HR tasks and hiring processes, so companies can now invest more time in valuable tasks. The automation at uKnowva takes care of the low-value repetitive tasks. This blog post will explore the most crucial roles of HR managers and their teams today. We will discuss how they help to manage employee relations, recruitment, and training. We will also explore how HRs can help to improve employee retention in the long run.

3 Important Roles HR Personnel Are Responsible For:

Recruitment for the best talent

To maintain a successful company, HR personnel must constantly recruit the best talent. This is done through job postings, interviewing, and onboarding processes. Once an employee is hired, the HR team must ensure that they are adequately trained and integrated into the company culture. Amongst the other roles and responsibilities of HR is to monitor employee performance and provide feedback. This includes conducting annual performance reviews and setting goals for employees. 

When an employee is not meeting expectations, it is up to HR to take corrective action. This could involve coaching, counselling, or even termination. In addition to these more traditional roles, HR teams today are responsible for creating company policies, handling benefits administration, and managing payroll. 

With so many different hats to wear, it’s no wonder that HR is one of the most critical departments in any organisation. With uKnowva, it’s easier to manage all job postings on a single dashboard and track candidate applications, streamlining this process and saving time. 

Employee retention

An essential role of an HR manager and HR teams today is employee retention. With the economy slowly improving after the pandemic and more job opportunities becoming available, employees are starting to feel more confident about leaving their current positions for new ones. This means that it’s more important for companies to focus on retaining their top talent. There are several ways to retain employees. Still, one of the most effective is to offer competitive compensation and benefits packages. This includes offering fair salaries and things like bonuses, stock options, and other incentives. Additionally, creating a positive work environment and culture can go a long way towards keeping employees happy and engaged with their work. 

HR managers control the process of employee retention with uKnowva HRMS and its social intranet solution. The tool helps employees interact and never lets them feel lonely or isolated. Instead, they become each other’s strengths, and the HR manager knows how to execute those strengths into critical and value-adding activities in the firm.

Training and development

Human resources personnel are responsible for much more than hiring and firing employees. Training and development are one of the most important roles of HR personnel today. There are several reasons why training and development is such an essential role for HR professionals. First, it helps to ensure that employees have the skills they need to do their jobs effectively. This is especially important in today’s ever-changing business landscape, where new technologies and processes are constantly being introduced. 

Proper training and development can also help to improve employee retention rates. Employees who feel they are constantly learning and growing stick around for the long haul. Training and development help to create a more positive work environment overall. When employees feel they are part of a supportive team, they are more productive and engaged in their work. It’s important to tailor training programs to meet your organisation’s specific needs. Companies can now leverage the eLMS feature offered by uKnowva to help their employees upskill and grow. 


Organisations use HR teams to maximise employee contributions and attain challenging goals. They must sort through a lot of paperwork to choose the best candidates for open positions and then make the company run without hassle. 

Presently, the role of HR manager is becoming as close to as a strategic partner to the CEO. These HR managers help C-suite management with critical business decisions, guide transitions, and help their employees grow. uKnowva helps automate the company’s workflow and collects data with its performance management system so HR teams can quickly analyse their workforce.