concentration and listening – 5 ways to get your child to listen and collaborate

child to listen and collaborate

concentration and listening can be difficult to improve in the child and he may do what he wants and not what you ask him to do or what needs to be done. there aren’t many things that can drive parents crazy more than a child who doesn’t cooperate and doesn’t listen and that can cause stress and nerves. even if you think you’ve tried everything, we’ll show you 5 simple ways to get your child to listen and collaborate that we recommend you try. these ways have proven effective and working. keep in mind that it is not all the child’s fault but part of the matter is your approach to the subject and it must also be changed.

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concentration and listening – why this happens

before we begin to solve the problem, we must first understand its causes. all his life, you’ve controlled your child and when he has little independence, he tries to take as many aspects of his life as possible. it’s something he does naturally and not so consciously.

of course, as parents, you know best what’s best for him and that’s why you’re trying to “control him.” the problem stems from the fact that the child wants to build his personality, one that has nothing to do with parents. the ways that we will immediately present to you have taken this into account and have been developed accordingly and that is why they work so well.

concentration and listening – talk to the child at eye level

the best way to get his attention is through eye contact. when you talk to the child at eye level, you can look them directly in the eye and see if they understand what you are asking of them. this type of communication affects much more than just throwing orders into the air without you even looking at them and engaging in something else. you’d be shocked by their level of attention in a situation like this.

concentration and listening – do not use the words “to” or “forbidden”

the number of times parents say “don’t” or “shouldn’t” their child is very large and as the cliché says, the more you tell him “no” he will do “yes”. it happens because bans and negative things are harder to understand for them. this is because they need to make a double understanding. they need to understand what you shouldn’t do and also understand what you want them to do.

so, instead of telling the kid, “don’t leave the toys on the floor,” tell him, “put the toys in the box please.”

concentration and listening – look for reasons to say yes

toddlers have lots of requests every single day and of course, they can’t just get everything they want and parents have to say no to some (and sometimes most) of these requests. these answers often make them cry and angry but it is not because you are “bad” parents but because you really can’t do what they ask. at some point, the parents’ negative answer fades and the children just don’t notice it. this can be solved in several ways – one of them is to change the negative answer to a temporary negative answer. i mean, instead of saying no, they said no, they said, “not right now sweet.” you don’t realize how much it changes their perception.

look for reasons to say yes, such as answering a rejected positive answer. for example, if the child asks if it is possible for ice cream, answer yes and ask him if he wants ice cream as a dessert on a friday or another day that you think is appropriate. that way, you fulfill his request to eat ice cream, give him the option to be independent and choose for himself when he will eat it according to the options you presented to him. one way to get a child to listen to you is to listen to them.

concentration and listening – the method of repetition

a key aspect of success is to make sure that the child understands what you are asking him to do. understanding is often the missing part of completing the task and this can be overcome by asking the child to repeat what you requested.

doctors use this method to understand that their patients understood their instructions. studies have shown that 40-80 percent of the information doctors pass on to patients is immediately or completely incomprehensible. if adults have such difficulty understanding, then in children it is even more complicated.

concentration and listening – counting to 3 will not help

we all know this method” i’m counting to three and you’ll do what i asked. one, two, three.” it’s only when you get to three that the kid starts moving himself. what you are actually doing with this method is giving your child a few opportunities to listen to you and do what you have requested. you don’t have to give your child options, but they should do what you asked for at that moment.

get this method out of your head and use the other methods we’ve introduced.

these methods have been proven to be facts and it is very worthwhile to try them out if necessary. remember that the kid doesn’t do on purpose, he just wants to be independent and be a man to himself. in addition, your attitude should be nice and at the child’s eye level. that’s the only way you can get to him.

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