Are Video Games & chat apps hunting grounds of sexual predators?


Do you know? Sexual predators make online connections with kids to lure them to nudes and explicit videos. Online predators take advantage of multiplayer videos games, chat rooms, messaging apps, and other social networking platforms to trap young kids no time ever before. So, parents want to safeguard kids from sex offenders who use games consoles and chat rooms as their hunting ground. Before telling you about the solution, let’s read further below:

How do online predators trap kids on video games & social networks?

Cyberspace and social media platforms have opened the doors widely for sex offenders to hunt down young teens and groom them with explicit activities. More than 500,000 sexual predator’s active frequently, and one out of 5 children become the prey to predators. Parents cannot think of letting their kids catch in the trap of an online predator.

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Online predators advertently trap young kids in their trap, and 46% of the children are more likely to share their privacy with strangers online. Cyber predators have a weapon that they use on every second child online to trap them down, and that is trust and the art of building a relationship on common grounds.

Top 10 signs that online predators try to trap teens online

Here are the top signs for parents to know how sexual predators use online games and chat rooms as hunting grounds against young victims: 

  • Sexual predators trap young teens in public chat rooms, social networks & online games.
  • They send directly send random text messages or make comments on their profile.
  • They try to gain their trust and pretend as teenagers
  • Predators do try to build conversations and ask private questions
  • They try to test the child’s boundaries in chat and voice chats
  • They talk to young teens about their relationship status
  • Online predators win their hearts and try to isolate them from peers
  • Sexual predators also offer tokens of appreciation and show interest in listening to their worries
  • They interact with the children on social platforms and videos games that allow chats while playing
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What is the goal of online predators using the digital world as hunting grounds?

Here are the following objectives of the sexual predators to trap teens on social apps and multiplayer video games: 

  • The only goal of a sex offender is to build a relationship with a victim
  • Once the predator has tested the boundaries and built the relationship, the child starts protecting the predator rather than themselves
  • The sexual predator applies the bunny hunting technique and sexualizes the verbal and non-verbal interaction
  • Once the discussion turns sexual between the online predator and teen, predators willingly send semi-nude photos to the victim
  • The ongoing sexual interaction pushes young teens to share their nudes, explicit photos and videos with predators online
  • Once the goal has achieved, the sexual predator starts blackmailing the victims
  • Online predators start controlling the victims and ask for more nudes 

The aggressor manipulates the situation and threatens teens to share it with friends and family members and ask for anything in person, like sexual favors and money. Sexual predators seek to control and power over the victim. So, they can harm your teen emotionally, physically, and psychologically by using the platforms of video games, chat rooms, and social messaging apps. It has become necessary for parents to set parental controls on their devices connected to cyberspace. Parents can stop and monitor teens to safeguard them from sex offenders unless they have the TheOneSpy kids monitoring solution at their disposal. 

Why is TheOneSpy the best parental control to protect kids against online predators?  

TheOneSpy is the world’s No.1 brand that offers spying and parental monitoring products to safeguard kids online. You can subscribe to its various solutions to monitor phones, PCs, and computer devices to protect and prevent kids from hunting grounds of sex offenders in chat rooms, social apps, and video games.

Top TheOneSpy Features for child safety 

Here are the features that make a difference and protect your children offline and online with state of the art features: 

  • Keystrokes logging 
  • Screenshots 
  • Screen recording 
  • GPS location 
  • View installed apps 
  • VoIP call recording 
  • SMS logs 
  • Screen-time 

Users can use mobile spy features like keystrokes to capture chats and conversations keystrokes in real-time. Moreover, you can capture and schedule screenshots on the target device to see the activity logs of teens on phones and PCs. Users can record live screens and record a series of short videos to watch the live activities of the teens. Visit avple to get knowledge how to share free videos.

  • Parents can also track the hidden whereabouts, route maps, and location history of the teens. 
  • TheOneSpy empowers you to see the list of the installed apps, like video games, messaging apps, and chat rooms. 
  • You can also record and listen to the VoIP audio and video conversations using a VoIP call recorder and read SMS chat logs.
  • Parental monitoring solution empowers parents to decrease the screen-time of their children. You can limit screen time from 1 hour to 12 hours using the screen-time feature.


TheOneSpy is the best parental spying and kids monitoring software to protect kids from sex-offenders on multiplayer video games, chat rooms, and social networks.

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