Do you want to bring some Zen into your home or office? The perfect houseplant may serve as a lovely ornament while purifying the air and de-stressing the nearby region.

This guide came up with 7 gorgeous plants, and you’re bound to discover the perfect houseplant from that list – even if it’s for the office! You’ll go over the benefits and drawbacks of each entry before you buy plant online.

1)CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum)

Mums, or chrysanthemums as they are more frequently known, are lovely houseplants with bright, joyful blossoms. They are incredibly easy to care for when given a bright location, well-drained soil, and plenty of water. You’ll have a lovely addition to your space after everything is in place.


  • Mums are among the best air-purifying plants, according to NASA.
  • Ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde are all removed from indoor air by chrysanthemums.


  • The leaves of the chrysanthemum plant poison pets and children.
  • Mums have a hard time flowering again.
  • These flowers are often regarded as a one-time use.


Spider plant is another special species that you can have with order plants online. They enjoy damp soil but will understand if you forget to water them now and then. Spider plants should be kept in bright to moderate light but not in direct sunlight. During the spring and summer, they fertilise spider plants twice a month.


  • Benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene are all removed from the air by spider plants.
  • Spider plants are regarded to be pet-friendly.


  • Who’d have guessed? To cats, spider plants have a moderate hallucinogenic effect.


Ficus are typical houseplants that are often referred to as the best office plants. Why are they beautiful workplace plants? Because they are eye-catching and quite good in purifying indoor air. A ficus likes bright, indirect light, moist soil, and water now and then. Make sure your focus isn’t near any draughts.


Ficus is an excellent plant for purifying the air.

A ficus can serve as an attractive focal point for a room because of its decorative appeal.


  • Ficus sap irritates both pets and people’s skin.
  • When pets chew on ficus leaves, they may vomit or have diarrhoea.
  • Keep your ficus in a single location.
  • It’s a fussy plant that dislikes being moved.
  • Is the sap from your ficus dripping? It could be honeydew from an insect infestation rather than sap. 


The red-edged Dracaena, commonly known as the dragon tree, is a lovely plant that may also filter indoor air. It enjoys a well-lit environment, but it can take lower light levels as well. To get the most out of it, let it dry out between waterings.


  • Dracaena can help you get rid of formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene in your house. (These chemicals can be released into the air by a variety of home items.)


  • If the leaves get moist when watering, Dracaena is vulnerable to leaf spots. With this in mind, only water the plant from the ground up rather than from above.


The red-edged Dracaena, commonly known as the dragon tree, is a lovely plant that may also filter indoor air. It enjoys a well-lit environment, but it can take lower light levels as well. To get the most out of it, let it dry out between waterings.


  • Dracaena can help you get rid of formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene in your house. 


  • If the leaves get moist when watering, Dracaena is vulnerable to leaf spots. With this in mind, only water the plant from the ground up rather than from above. If curious pets try to eat or chew the plant, they may feel the same sensation.


Boston ferns are a flashy but charming addition to your house that can grow quite huge. They work particularly well in restrooms and other humid areas with gentle, natural light. Give them wet soil in the summer, but let them dry out a little in the winter. If you want your ferns to grow, you may need to buy a new pot.


  • Ferns had the highest formaldehyde-removal efficacy of all plants studied, according to a 2011 study.
  • Toluene and xylene are also removed from the air by Boston ferns.
  • These ferns are not poisonous.


  • Bring your vacuum with you! When the leaves fall off Boston ferns, some homeowners find them to be a tangle.
  • Because Boston ferns are prone to root rot, only water them until liquid escapes from drain holes.


You can probably cultivate golden pothos even if you think you have a “black thumb.” This plant flourishes in low light and is tolerant if you forget to water it now and then. The golden pothos prefers to dry out between waterings.


  • One of the most frequent houseplants is the golden pothos. It has a pleasing appearance and is simple to grow.
  • Golden pothos is a houseplant that purifies the air.
  • Although root rot is a major problem with most houseplants, the golden pothos is rarely affected.
  • The drooping leaves of a golden pothos indicate that it needs to be watered.


  • Because this plant contains oxalates, it is dangerous to consume. Therefore keep it away from pets and youngsters who might try to eat the leaves.

So, these were some of the best house plants you buy for your home. You can choose any number of these plants depending on your requirements.