What is the system approach in educational management?

educational management

The systems approach, according to educational theorists, is a method that seeks out the most effective and inexpensive means of tackling academic problems scientifically. When applied to educational challenges or goals, the systems approach provides a framework for considering all relevant aspects. 

The systems approach to education considers the full scope of what may be done to help students learn, including all possible materials, activities, and channels. As a result, the systems approach emphasizes the individual learner and the outcomes that are important to them. 

  • Aims and objectives of the system approach in educational administration

  • Growth of the whole child.

  • The Quality Council of India (QCI) has released a guideline for granting accreditation to institutions that use the “system approach management” (SAM) framework.

Convention for educational Management

At the second QCI National Quality Conclave in February 2007, then-President of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam emphasized the importance of creating a national standard for school quality. 

The QCI Accreditation Standard for Quality School Governance was written to address this suggestion. This policy provides a model for the administration and implementation of a curriculum that emphasizes each student’s total growth.

The United States’ Malcolm Baldrige National Award for Educational Excellence criteria take a systemic view of school administration.

  • Systemic thinking centers should be established.

  • Initially on the student, then the course material, the learning activities, and the most efficient media and methods of instruction.

  • Self-correction and improvement are built into such a system’s very architecture.

  • Instructional Components of a Systems-Based Approach

  • Students’ Attention, but not syllabus centric

  • Establishing a roadmap with clear landmarks and quantifiable goals

  • The establishment of protocols for Documentation

  • Keeping Tabs on Things

  • Usng ERP software

  • Administration and Evaluation of Results

  • Defining — Roles, Responsibilities, and Power

  • Regular in-house inspections and self-evaluation

Methods and framework Required

  • Building a Course of Study for students

  • Classroom administration making it accessible

  • Extracurricular Activities should be covered with a holistic approach

  • Procedures for Testing the methods

  • Safety and Health Administration can be handled easily

Steps for the system approach

The systems method requires the instructional system designer to go through the following steps: 

  • Defining the Results Approach Based on Systems Theory

  • Designing Tests and Procedures

  • The Step of Determining Input 

  • Specifications Preparing PM Solutions 

  • Choosing the best option Learning-centered preparation Test-Drive

  • System update 

  •  Rollout

It’s a perspective on how to approach issues. It is helpful in school ERP system. The systems approach aids in the solution of the problem in an organized fashion instead of an arbitrary one. 

Therefore, the systems approach is not just a way of thinking that emphasizes problem identification and problem resolution but also a tool for tackling educational challenges more efficiently and effectively.


 It allows one to clearly define the issue at hand, examine potential solutions, and pick the best one (based on performance criteria) for a successful resolution and completion of the goal. 


Since a systems approach to education is a problem-solving method, it can be used in various contexts, including classroom teaching, research, administration, curriculum design, and more. It can be used in any problem-solving context because the method and mode of thought are universal. Although the systems approach has many potential uses outside of education, our focus here is on how it may be applied within the classroom.

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