Typescript vs Javascript: Which One Should You Choose?


If you have ever had a chance to work on a web development project, you must know the working concept of Javascript. It is one of the most popular scripting languages and has been there for several years now in the web development industry. Though, it has been a trend that as one technology rises, an alternative emerges as a tough competition to the top choice.

Typescript is one such tough competition to Javascript in the market. The popularity of Typescript has risen extensively mainly because it can be considered as an enhanced version of Javascript with additional features.

That said, with Typescript and Javascript, the choice of a programming language for developing larger web and mobile apps becomes daunting. Today, we will compare Javascript and Typescript, to see how they differ from each other and which language is suitable when.

What is Javascript?

JS is the acronym used for Javascript and is a software design language that follows the arrangement of ECMAscript. It is just in time compiled, multi-pattern, and a high-level language. It contains dynamic typing, first-class functions, curly brackets syntax, and orientation based on prototypes. It is one of the essential technologies for building web apps for the World Wide Web. That said, to get an application developed using Javascript, you can hire Java software development services.

It helps empower interactive website pages, and this is an indispensable factor in building web pages. It is a multi-paradigm programming language and supports event-driven, imperative, and functional styles.

What is Typescript?

A Typescript is an open-source, object-oriented programming language that Microsoft formed. It is a syntactical superset of Javascript and augments the elective static typing. It can be trans-compiled to Javascript and is generally used to develop large applications. As a developer, you can use Typescript to develop Javascript applications to execute both the client-side and server-side of an application.

When it comes to Trans-compilation, several alternatives are available, making the development process easy. The files supported by Typescript can include type data of present Javascript libraries, for instance, the C++ header files that can define the construction of the current object files.

Why was TypeScript Developed Despite Having JavaScript?

When Javascript was developed, its programmers introduced the language as a client-side programming language. While using the programming language, programmers realized that it could be used as a server-side application. However, Javascript kept growing, and its code became heavy and complex with time. You may get JavaScript Certification in Munich.

As a result, Javascript was not enough to fulfill the requirements of an object-oriented programming language. This is how Javascript could not succeed as a complete server-side programming language at the enterprise level. To bridge this gap, Typescript was developed by the developer, and it is now giving tough competition to Javascript.

Why Do We Need to Use TypeScript?

We already stated that Typescript is an enhanced version of Javascript; hence when you compare it with other programming languages like PureScript or CoffeeScript, many things are to be learned to write Typescript code. As far as Typescript is concerned, the types are optional, and any JS file is a valid Typescript file. Typescript is expected to stand up to expectations, and it helps enhance the developers’ skills over time.

Is TypeScript Suitable for Frontend or Backend?

Typescript is compiled into Javascript, and this is why it is suitable for both front-end and back-end development. However, Javascript is preferred more for the front-end development of applications, and hence Typescript is also used for the same purpose. Furthermore, Typescript works well for developing server-side for complicated and large-scale enterprise projects.

Types of TypeScript

Typescripts are of several different types, including Array, Number, String, Boolean and several others. However, some of such types are not found in Javascript, so Typescript is known as an enhanced version of Javascript. Let us know a few types of Typescript.

  • Unknown and Any: Unknown is the type-safe system of this type of Typescript, and it can cover Any (anything you wish for). It is employed widely to define all the incoming variables that are not validated and the types of which are unknown.  
  • Void: The void Typescript is used when no value needs to be returned. It is generally used for the return type of function that returns nothing. 
  • Never: It is the return type for something that should ever happen—for instance, an exception-throwing function. 
  • Union and Intersection Types: Such types enable the developers to create custom types as per the logic. The intersection types allow you to combine several basic types into a single type, whereas the union type allows the developers to take several basic types.

Features of TypeScript

Typescript has advanced features and it also supports all the features of Javascript, like platform independence, object-oriented programming concept, JS libraries, etc.

  • Compatibility: Typescript programming language supports both old and new features. Moreover, it is also compatible with different versions of Javascript, like ES12 and ES7. It enables a smooth transition and language portability. 
  • Static Typing: It refers to the process where the developer has to declare the variable type. It helps the developers with the early detection of bugs, completing codes rapidly and much more.

It has several other features as well, that include;

  • Feasible to use annotations and static typing. 
  • It helps boost productivity and is easy to maintain. 
  • Problems are detected at early stages, and debugging is simple. 
  • Object-oriented features are supported, such as inheritance, interfaces and classes.

Advantages of TypeScript

The use of Typescript has several advantages accompanied, and it makes development easy and convenient. Some of the reasons behind using Typescript are listed below:

  1. Static Typing: Javascript is typed robustly and doesn’t have the capacity of recognizing the variable until it is essentially instantiated at runtime. Typescript also adds type support to Javascript.
  2. Enhanced IDE Support: Development practice using Typescript is a considerable enhancement over Javascript. Javascript has an extensive range of IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, Auto Sublime, and Webstorm. All these provide outstanding support for both Javascript and Typescript.
  3. Interoperability: Typescript is associated strictly with Javascript. Hence, it has good interoperability proficiencies; however, additional work is needed to function with JS libraries in Typescript.

Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

There are some vital differences between Javascript and Typescript, and we list some of them below for your better understanding.

  • Typescript employs concepts like interfaces and kinds to define the data that is being employed. On the contrary, no such notion is presented in Javascript. 
  • Typescript code requires compilation. Whereas with Javascript, code compilation is not required. 
  • Typescript is used by Asana, Clever, and Screen Award. On the contrary, Javascript is employed by Airbnb, Codecademy, and Instagram. 
  • Typescript developers are required to constantly annotate the code so that all its characteristics are obtained. On the contrary, no annotations are required in Javascript. 
  • Typescript has a prototyping trait, whereas Javascript doesn’t have this trait.

When to Choose JavaScript and TypeScript?

There are a few instances where the use of Javascript and Typescript are recommended. Find them below.

Uses of Javascript

  • Javascript can be used without build tool assistance. 
  • Javascript libraries and frameworks can be employed to develop web applications and streamline the development process rapidly. 
  • It is the perfect solution for smaller teams and web projects.

Uses of Typescript

  • When starting with a novel project, we recommend you use Typescript that employs React and the ones that are not accustomed to its API. 
  • Typescript is an ideal choice for huge projects or a project with too many developers involved. In communicating API, the interface of Typescript and access modifiers provides added advantages. 
  • Typescript makes expanding plain Javascript code possible, and it also enables the execution of runtime type confirmation and compile-time validation.


We recommend hiring Java software development services if you want to get a website developed with dynamic, rich content. Both Javascript and Typescript have their advantages and disadvantages. That said, the choice depends largely on the type of application you are looking to develop. Consult experts to get a better idea of the most suitable choice for your application.