Types of Vascular Problems


The vascular system consists of arteries, veins, and capillaries. It carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to all parts of the body. The circulatory system includes the heart, blood vessels, and other organs involved in blood circulation. The vascular system plays a significant role in maintaining homeostasis by supplying nutrients and removing waste products from cells. It helps maintain normal pH levels, blood pressure, and temperature, provides oxygen to tissues, and removes carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, Aventura vascular problems such as coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and blood clots can affect the vascular system. These conditions can cause death or permanent disability.

Below are the various types of vascular problems;


A stroke is when the blood supply to part of the brain or spinal cord is interrupted, causing tissue death. A stroke can be caused by bleeding in the brain (bleeding into a vital area). It can also be caused by blocked arteries (the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the brain and back again), which means there is not enough oxygenated blood reaching the part of the brain that needs it.


An aneurysm is a weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel and is usually caused by a weakening of the artery wall. Aneurysms can occur anywhere along the arterial tree, but most occur in segments three or four times as long as they are wide.

The most common type of aneurysm occurs when the artery wall is weakened, allowing blood to escape into the surrounding tissue. The symptoms associated with aneurysms vary depending on the location and size of the aneurysm. For example, if you have a large aneurysm in your abdominal aorta, you may experience chest pain and shortness of breath when exerting yourself. In contrast, small aneurysms generally do not cause symptoms unless they rupture or weaken further.


Atherosclerosis is a disease that occurs primarily in the coronary arteries. The disease causes blockage of the arteries, which leads to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. Atherosclerosis is also known as the hardening of the arteries. The walls of your blood vessels become thick and stiff with deposits of fatty substances called plaques.

Plaques comprise cholesterol and other fats accumulated on the artery wall’s inner surface. The build-up on the inside surface of your arteries can cause a narrowing or blockage, which reduces blood flow to your heart muscle. This reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to your heart muscle, which may lead to angina pain in your chest.

Blood clots

Blood clots are formed when blood becomes stagnant or coagulates, which prevents it from flowing freely. When a blood clot forms inside a vein or artery, it can cause problems by restricting blood flow through that area. This can lead to tissue death due to a lack of oxygen supply.

If you have vascular problems, liaise with your doctor so they can determine if they are related to the heart, arteries, or veins. For help with vascular problems, contact Soffer Health Institute.