How to Identify the Best Shredding Company? – Facts to Highlight


This website may be helpful if you’re looking for a shredding company but aren’t sure which one to select.Our goal is to educate you on what to look for and avoid when selecting a shredding company and share with you the questions you may want to ask a shredding service to aid your evaluation process.Consider the following factors before hiring a shredding company to find the best one for your organization.

What types of shredding services should be offered?

Shredding services are classified into two types. Because all confidential documents are shredded on-site, on-site shredding is the most secure at your location. Off-site shredding is far less safe because your un-shredded personal documents are stored in the back of a box truck for the entire day before being returned to the company’s facility for shredding. Choose an industrial paper shredding company that provides on-site shredding if you want the highest level of security.

Firstly Do Your Research

When looking for a company in any capacity, its reputation is everything. 

  • What are their ratings? 
  • How long have they been in operation? 
  • Do they have returning customers? 

Because they will be handling your sensitive information, you will want to ensure that the shredding company you choose is trustworthy. And don’t be afraid to contact the company and ask questions! Here are some questions you can ask:

Do they have prior experience?

Access to shredding machines does not imply that a provider understands the industry or has experience with best practices across all shredding disciplines. Check that your provider is experienced, discreet, and dependable.

Are they fully secure?

You want your documents shredded for a reason. 

It’s because you don’t want anyone else to have access to them. If you wish your confidential information properly destroyed, ensure the shredding service doesn’t allow anyone to see it before it’s destroyed. 

Are you NAID AAA certified?

The National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) is an independent auditor, scrutinizing a shredding company’s compliance in 22 critical areas ranging from shred size to employee background checks. They only give their highest rating, “AAA Certified,” to a few companies that provide the ultimate secure document shredding. Some dishonest shredding companies claim to be AAA NAID Certified to gain your business. Please request a copy of their NAID AAA Certified certificate as proof of their standing.

Are the services flexible?

Every business is unique, and your needs may differ greatly from those of others. Regarding paper shredding companies, they must provide you with the best possible package tailored to your specific needs. They should tailor the solution to your particular challenge.

Do they ever get involved with drugs or criminal activity?

There are some people you don’t want anywhere near your office, especially if they have access to sensitive information. Inquire whether an independent auditor (such as NAID) has reviewed the criminal background checks performed by the shredding company on all employees who come into contact with confidential information and whether these employees are subjected to pre-employment and random drug testing.

Is the Company Familiar With All Shredding Regulations?

It’s not just for your safety that you should shred your confidential documents; it’s also the law. Federal and state laws require you to shred sensitive information to protect yourself, your business, and your clients. Not only should you be familiar with the rules, but so should your shredding company. The shredding company you hire should know your state’s laws as they apply to your industry. In addition, check to see if they are NAID certified, which means they meet industry standards for secure destruction.

Do you provide an “On Time or No Fee” service guarantee?

You can’t afford to hire a shredding company that fails to arrive on time because your security bins will overflow with sensitive documents. It also increases the likelihood that these documents will fall into the hands of the wrong people. Increase the chances that your shredding company will arrive on time by insisting on an “On Time or No Fee” service guarantee.

Do you shred three-ring binders, CDs, hard drives, or only paper?

Most shredding organizations use outdated equipment that can only shred paper. Someone may have to sift through your bins, remove the binders, and snap open the rings to release the documents. But there is an alternative. Some shredding businesses have invested in cutting-edge shredding trucks. This advanced machine shreds everything, including paper, binders, CDs, and hard drives.

What types of insurance do you offer?

All shredding companies provide general liability insurance to protect their customers in the unlikely event that confidential documents fall into the wrong hands. 

Furthermore, few shredding companies go out of their way to supplement this coverage with errors and omissions insurance.

Do you provide a Certificate of Destruction?

If the worst happened and your company suffered a data breach, you’ll want to ensure you’re protected. A certificate of destruction is a document that proves your adherence to federal and state shredding regulations. 

Follow these simple guidelines to get the best results when shredding your documents or destroying your computers and hardware. 

Infoshield Security, a shredding company, has provided document destruction services and secure record storage for years! We serve clients with the highest security and brand standards, such as government agencies and medical, financial, and high-tech companies.

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