Guidelines for Parents -The Sports Physical


The new academic year has begun! Do not forget the all-important sports physical as you get your kid ready for the new school year. Get yourself evaluated at garland sports physicals.

PPE Explanation

Your child’s primary care physician, pediatrician, or family doctor should complete the PPE. The PPE is designed to detect any preexisting conditions that could risk your child getting sick or hurt while playing sports. If your child’s doctor detects anything during the PPE that needs additional assessment, a complete medical history and physical exam will help mitigate potential dangers.

It is best to have your child’s primary care physician perform the PPE so that they may review your child’s complete medical history and schedule any necessary immunizations. Finally, during your PPE appointment, you and your doctor may go over several key sports-related health topics, such as:

  • the right balance of rest, food, and fluids
  • using drugs and steroids
  • Hormonal shifts and puberty
  • disorders of the mind, like:
  • stress depression anxiety

What Personal Protective Equipment Consists Of

Pre-participation screenings begin with a thorough medical history. This section contains in-depth questions on the athlete’s current and past injuries, illnesses, and any family history of similar conditions. Injuries such as concussions, sprains, and broken bones, as well as symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath during activity, and a family history of heart disease or unexpected death, may prompt such inquiries. The doctor in charge of your child’s care should go over your responses with you to look for any red flags.

A physical examination constitutes the PPE’s second component. The doctor will thoroughly examine your child at this point:

  • Inspecting the face, neck, and head
  • Monitoring breathing and heart rate
  • evaluate how the limbs are moving
  • Performing a back and neck check

In addition to measuring and recording vitals like blood pressure, height, weight, and pulse, an eye exam will also be conducted. While most PPEs do not involve collecting blood for lab investigations, an electrocardiogram (ECG) may be ordered to examine the heart closely.

Ways to Get Ready

Reviewing your child’s medical history questions and answering them truthfully is crucial to getting ready for the pre-participation physical exam. Know your own and your family’s medical background, especially with regard to cardiovascular disease, abrupt or unexplained fatalities, and premature deaths in those younger than 50. Your child’s doctor may use your responses to this question to see whether your child has any further health concerns.