Alongside Crypto Market Index (AMKT): A Revolutionary Crypto Index Token



Cryptocurrencies have taken the financial world by storm, becoming one of the hottest investment opportunities in recent times. However, with over 8,000 cryptocurrencies in existence, investors often find it challenging to navigate the complex and volatile market. The emergence of crypto index token has simplified investment in the cryptocurrency market by providing exposure to a diversified portfolio of digital assets. In this article, we will be discussing the Alongside Crypto Market Index (AMKT), a fully collateralized and on-chain crypto index token that allows investors to get exposure to the total market cap of cryptocurrency.

What is AMKT?

AMKT is a cryptocurrency index token that represents the performance of the overall cryptocurrency market. The token is fully collateralized, meaning that its value is backed by a reserve of digital assets that match the underlying index. This collateralization ensures that the token’s price tracks the performance of the market it represents, making it a useful tool for investors who wish to gain exposure to the entire cryptocurrency market.

How Does AMKT Work?

AMKT is built on a fully decentralized, on-chain infrastructure. This means that all transactions involving the token occur on the blockchain, and users have complete control over their funds. The token’s collateral is held in a smart contract that is transparently visible on the blockchain, providing users with full visibility and assurance that their investment is secure.

AMKT is rebalanced on a quarterly basis, ensuring that it tracks the performance of the cryptocurrency market accurately. The rebalancing process involves adjusting the composition of the index to reflect changes in the market, such as the addition or removal of cryptocurrencies. The rebalancing process also ensures that the token’s collateral is kept up to date with the current market conditions, providing users with the best possible returns.

Benefits of AMKT

AMKT provides investors with several benefits that make it a valuable tool for gaining exposure to the cryptocurrency market. Firstly, the token is fully collateralized, providing users with assurance that their investment is secure. Secondly, it is built on a fully decentralized, on-chain infrastructure, meaning that users have complete control over their funds. Finally, the token is rebalanced on a quarterly basis, ensuring that it accurately reflects the performance of the cryptocurrency market.

Investing in AMKT

Investing in AMKT is a straightforward process. The token is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, and users can purchase it using their preferred digital asset. Once purchased, the token can be held in a wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. Users can then monitor the performance of the token in real-time, and sell it whenever they wish to realize their gains.


The emergence of crypto index token has made it easier for investors to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market. The Alongside Crypto Market Index (AMKT) is a valuable tool that provides users with exposure to the total market cap of cryptocurrency. The token is fully collateralized and built on a decentralized, on-chain infrastructure, providing users with assurance that their investment is secure. Additionally, the token is rebalanced on a quarterly basis, ensuring that it accurately reflects the performance of the cryptocurrency market. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and mature, AMKT is set to become an increasingly valuable tool for investors seeking to gain exposure to this exciting asset class.